Nevada Board of Nursing

Nevada State Board of Nursing
5011 Meadowood Mall Way, Ste 300 Reno, NV 89502-6547

Business: (888)590-6726

License Period
Biennial, birthdate

Temporary Permit Period
4 months, not renewable in 12-month period (RN & LPN)

Exam Fee
$100 (RN)
$90 (LPN)

Re-Examination Limit
4 times, with remediation after the 2nd attempt (RN & LPN)


Continuing Education Requirements
All licensed nurses 30 contact hours every 2 years at renewal; NPs & CRNAs additional 15 contact hours one time mandatory 4 CE bioterrorism course that meets legislative mandate

Endorsement Fee
$105 (RN)
$95 (LPN)
$200 (APN)
$200 (CRNA)

Renewal Fee
$100 (RN & LPN)
$200 (APN)
$200 (CRNA)

Temporary Permit Fee
included in application fee
$50 if not seeking permanent license (RN & LPN)